Sandy Voldeng
Woman Rising
clay 22″ H  /  2004

 After the Accident
                                                                    Cynthia Woodman Kerkham responds to Woman Rising by Sandy Voldeng

Sandy Voldeng is passionate about art; both making and collecting it.  As a sculptor and painter, her work has been shown at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria and in numerous private galleries. She devotes time to non-profit organizations, including chairing the Women’s Hope Education and Training in Southern Africa. 

Cynthia Woodman Kerkham’s poetry is widely published and has won awards. She’s the author of Good Holding Ground (Palimpsest Press, 2011) and co-editor of the anthology Poems from Planet Earth (Leaf Press, 2013). Cynthia teaches and edits in Victoria, BC. and is currently writing a memoir, and a second poetry collection about the stewardship of a local lake.