
Kimberly Leslie
Connectivity Cloak
wearable wool sculpture
2′ x 4′ x 1′  /  2019

Kimberley Leslie  works as a painter and fibre artist. She graduated with a Diploma in Fine Art from Vancouver Island School of Art and lives in Chemainus, BC. Her current work explores themes of personal history, memory, and the body.  Kim is a member of arc.hive artist run center in Victoria, BC. kimleslie.com

Yvonne Blomer is an award-winning poet, the author of the travel memoir Sugar Ride: Cycling from Hanoi to Kuala Lumpur and the past poet laureate of Victoria. Sweet Water: Poems for the Watershed is her latest book, the second in a trilogy of water-based poetry anthologies Yvonne is editing for Caitlin Press.
  Mistaken Things
 Yvonne Blomer responds to Connectivity Cloak by Kimberley Leslie