by archivebridge2516 | Jun 8, 2021 | Past Exhibitions
What the Cup? June 5-20 Saturdays and Sundays 12-4 100 cups ranging from functional to the unexpected are featured in this group exhibition created by ceramic artists from Victoria and throughout BC. To find out more and to see a bio and images from all 35 artists...
by archivebridge2516 | May 1, 2021 | Past Exhibitions
Heart Spirit: Small Hand Waving “I am Aviv Talya Dekel, a 23 yr old disabled Outsider/Folk Artist. I work with fibre and acrylic to make colourful, cheerful art to help people feel HAPPY so they will take care of each other and our planet. Everyone has a heart and I...
by archivebridge2516 | Apr 3, 2021 | Past Exhibitions
Explorations in Fibre: Laura Feeleus and Elizabeth Carefoot ‘Unravel’ and ‘ravel’ both mean the same thing: “to cause to come apart by or as if by separating the threads of.” Open weekends 12-4 pm April 4-18, 2021 Elizabeth Carefoot...
by archivebridge2516 | Mar 6, 2021 | Past Exhibitions
DRIFT DRIFT explores the continual movement of the ocean from a variety of perspectives: from the glassy barrier of the surface to the soup-like complexities of the seawater below. Open weekends 12-4 pm March 6-21, Horizon Paintings: This series...
by archivebridge2516 | Jan 30, 2021 | Past Exhibitions
Energy and the Human Spirit Open weekends 12-4 pm February 6-23rd “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another…” Albert Einstein “I try to capture energy and emotion...