by archivebridge2516 | Nov 12, 2021 | Past Exhibitions
arc.hive member exhibit November 13-28, 2021 The gallery is open 12-4 Saturday and Sundays The word gather suggests coming together, re-connecting, uniting, collecting…Throughout periods of isolation due to the pandemic, arc.hive artists have sought refuge and...
by archivebridge2516 | Oct 17, 2021 | Past Exhibitions
An Act of Care 16-31, October 2021 The gallery is open 12-4 Saturday and Sundays An Act of Care speaks to the (dis)connections we have to the experience of wellness. Intertwining mental health and the maternal, this fibre-based installation and accompanying...
by archivebridge2516 | Sep 11, 2021 | Now showing, Past Exhibitions
So Long Charlie Brown 11-26 September 2021 The gallery is open 12-4 Saturday and Sundays In this exhibit of new work made for arc.hive, Kegan McFadden ruminates on personal grief. The title, and accompanying artistbook, refers to a pet name the artist’s...
by archivebridge2516 | Aug 21, 2021 | Past Exhibitions
Richard Charter August 14-29th Open 12-4 Saturday and Sundays Works in this exhibition examine innovative musical scores. Whether thread stitched onto canvas or lines drawn in a monolithic mass, one may view in silence, yet have a loud experience....
by archivebridge2516 | Jul 10, 2021 | Past Exhibitions
June Higgins July 10-25th Saturdays and Sundays 12-5 Removed from their original context, repetitively layered ornamental patterns lose their connection to time, creating a dynamic yet ambiguous space that is neither real nor imagined. Paintings by June...