by archivebridge2516 | Jul 5, 2023 | Past Exhibitions
Residency and exhibit at arc.hive July and August 2023 in the gallery space. Opening Aug 24th from 7-9pm Gallery open on weekends from Aug 26-Sept 10th from 12-4 Dream City (Devin Babineau, Fern Long, Clare Thomas) Dream City is a collaboration between Devin Babineau,...
by archivebridge2516 | May 31, 2023 | Past Exhibitions
Somaesthesia June 10th to June 25th, 2023 Opening night June 16th from 6-8pm The gallery is open 12-4 Saturday and Sundays Somaesthesia comprises a series of photographic and sculptural works which contemplate the relationship between mechanisms of interception in the...
by archivebridge2516 | May 4, 2023 | Past Exhibitions
Working Title: An Art Show Exploring the Theme of Labour May 13 to May 28th Opening night Friday May 12th from 7-9pm The gallery is open 12-4 Saturday and Sundays Presented by the Space Blanket Society, a youth collective for artists ranging in age from 12-24....
by archivebridge2516 | Apr 6, 2023 | Past Exhibitions
Paper Tiger April 15th to April 30th The gallery is open 12-4 Saturday and Sundays Opening night is April 14th from 7-9pm Paper Tiger is an exhibition of mixed media works on paper that combines art-historical and pop culture references with various strategies of...
by archivebridge2516 | Feb 25, 2023 | Past Exhibitions
playing WITH/playing OUT March 4th -12th The gallery is open 12-4 Saturday and Sundays Artistic collaborators Caroline Boileau and Natasha Reid invite the community to interact with a series of objects and actions that encourage playful engagement grounded in consent...