by archivebridge2516 | Aug 10, 2020 | Past Exhibitions
In this exhibition both Bronwyn McMillin and Seb Evans depart from their traditional ways of working to create small scale paintings, drawings and sculptures of everyday objects and arrangements. Rather than representation, it is the form, colour, and composition of...
by archivebridge2516 | Jul 10, 2020 | Past Exhibitions
A series of mixed media sculptures describe a world of mysterious creatures and half-familiar places. Through explorations of posture, gesture and facial expressions the resident animals connect with the viewer wordlessly to express states of mind and emotion. ...
by archivebridge2516 | Jun 9, 2020 | Past Exhibitions
The philosophical discussion underlying Anne-Mare Fortin’s practice reflect on how we constantly redefine ourselves as we enter into relationships with others. “I am very curious about the way we create meaning in our attempts to understand our relationships...
by archivebridge2516 | Jun 9, 2020 | Past Exhibitions
An exhibition of photographic compositions honouring personal inspection, utterances and reflections. “Jenn Wilson’s photographs invite the viewer into spaces of quiet contemplation: landscapes open and closed; welcoming and foreboding; begging...
by archivebridge2516 | Apr 24, 2020 | Ekphrasis, Uncategorized
Sandy VoldengWoman Risingclay 22″ H / 2004 After the Accident ...